יום חמישי, 26 במאי 2011

Journey into the night

Hi, everyone, this is Daniel with his first entry.

I’m sure you’re all psyched to read my entries, and are planning to devote all of your time online to reading the ramblings I’ll post on the blog.

I’m sorry, was that a “No”? You’re not interested? Wait a second. Give a chance, and I promise you that you’ll get your money’s worth. And if you don’t, well, you can always get a refund. Well, not really, but I hope you get my point.

Now, I’m sure the question on everyone’s mind is “Who the hell is Daniel Nivy”?

It’s not?

Oh, well. No harm done. I’ll just pretend it was.

What was it you said? You’re already bored? Ok, I get it. I’ll cut to the chase.

So, Who am I?

Well, obviously, My name is Daniel, and I’m a writer. An aspiring writer, to be more precise. I’m hoping to write for TV shows, and I’m also in the midst of developing my own show. What’s it about, you say? It’s a post-apocalyptic sci-fi show called “The Guides”. But we’ll get to that in a bit.

Oh yeah, I’m a huge fan of Sci-Fi, and I think the genre is greatly underappreciated. I also enjoy some horror novels on the occasion, or at least, Stephen King’s stuff, if it doesn’t count as Sci-Fi. Huge fan of his work, and he is one of my personal idols.

What’s more to know about me?

I was a huge fan of Lost back in the day, and I basically grew up on 24 and Joss Whedon’s shows. These days, I’ve discovered the wonder known as AMC and enjoying the likes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and The Killing.

If you’re even a tiny bit interested in anything I have to say, I’ll see you here on a weekly basis and I’ll share my thoughts on various movies , books and TV shows.

In the meanwhile, I would appreciate it if you would all take the time to check out a short film I’ve posted on Youtube. “Journey Into The Night” is short film which I directed in my senior year of high-school. It’s a dark, grim detective story, inspired by the film noir genre.

Here it is-.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw0xz8Sh6ao

I would love to hear your thoughts.

See you all next week when I post my review of Quentin Tarantino’s script “Django Unchained”

Later, folks

Journey Into Night