יום ראשון, 2 באוקטובר 2011

a fan of Fringe who is on the verge of losing interest

Oh, Fringe, how the mighty have fallen!

I was a huge fan of the show during the first season. I was intrigued by the Pattern, The Observers, and the Parallel Universe. I loved the interactions between Walter, Peter and Olivia. The show was exciting back then, and even mind-blowing at times. It was one of the best shows out there, until it jumped the shark. When did it happen? When the show reached it's third season. Season 3 was uneven and badly paced. The characters were badly written, and on top of it, the show-runners made the decision to "Erase" the character of Peter Bishop, whom the fans adored. Peter has added a lot to the dynamic of the show, and by excluding him, it has become a shell of it's former self.

Would bringing back Peter save the show? Well, I have to admit I'm doubtful at this point. I can only hope they'll get their act together and focus on what made the show so good in the first place.

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