יום שלישי, 4 באוקטובר 2011

I love Breaking Bad

Season 4 of Breaking Bad is just amazing.

Every episode has knocked it out of the park. . Week after week, I’m amazed by the quality of Season 4, and this was week was no different. “End Times” was the season’s penultimate episode, and the confrontation between Walt and Jesse was a tour de force from an acting standpoint. Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston delivered amazing performances, with Aaron Paul almost stealing the show from Cranston. Paul clearly deserves another Emmy.

On another related matter, I’m convinced it was Walt that poisoned Brock. Walt wanted to turn Jesse against Gus, and the plan seemed to succeed. Bryan Cranston said in an interview that we’ll see Walt commit an irredeemable act, hence poisoning a child. I think Season 5 will feature Jesse as Walt’s nemesis once Gus is gone.

I can’t wait for next week.

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